It’s NOT too late to CANCEL Halloween
God had us start Moms of Miracles on October 1, 2018 - He said we had 31 days to expose Halloween and share the truth about the doors families are opening during the month of October. We are passionate about helping families close these doors and get the deliverance they need. Below are some common questions we receive. We know God leads those ready to hear the truth to our website and videos. For prayer or questions please email us at
“Be not ye therefore partakers with them. For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light: (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.”
Halloween Q & A
Question #1: How do I explain to my kids that we are not celebrating Halloween anymore?
Answer: If the children are under 18 and still living at home, schedule a conversation with them first separately, then a family meeting a few days later. All of God’s children are different, uniquely made in His image, and therefore we owe them each an answer. The truth is you didn’t know God didn’t want you to celebrate Halloween. Apologize and ask your children to forgive your error. Remind them that they are your responsibility to steward. God is holding you and your spouse accountable for them. Sit with them and show them the truth as God leads you. This could be movies, videos, or information on our website. Children love truth, so show them what the pumpkins, brooms, masks, and costumes really represent.
Question #2: I want to stop celebrating Halloween but my spouse does not agree with me.
Answer: One day you will stand before God and give an account for your life and your decisions. Your spouse will not be there. Just you and God. He will ask you what you did with His Truth and with the children He gave you. If you see Halloween as the devil’s day and you turn a blind eye to the truth, you will be given over to the lies. That said, we are called to love one another. Romans 13:10 says loving your neighbor fulfills the law. Loving your husband means not making fun of him for his lack of understanding. It means being patient with him while you wait for God to show him truth. It also means being strong enough to obey God, even when he doesn’t. If God has told you not to celebrate Halloween anymore, then don’t. Don’t hang the decorations. Don’t trick or treat. Don’t even have candy for other trick or treaters. If he wants it that badly, he can set it up and decorate it. Let the sin fall on him, not you. Fall out of agreement with him if he does dress the kids up or send them out trick or treating. You can get further with prayer than with arguments. Learn how to pray. We can teach you.
Question #3: What if my child has a Halloween party at school or dress-up day?
Answer: Children have always played dress-up. Dressing like a doctor, a firefighter or a ballerina is common. In these various dress-up scenarios, it is still your child, but they are acting out an occupation. When you dress up and costume yourself as superheroes, demigods, witches, dragons or even animals, you are CHANGING your child’s identity. This is what the devil wants. He wants your child to be and think like Spiderman or Wonder Woman, rather, than just accepting themselves as they are. Satan wants your child to be dissatisfied being themselves as God made them and long for alternate identities. These are the ones Satan picks out. Pray and seek God about this. Some kids will be fine with not dressing up and others will feel more self-conscious standing out without costume. Again, God knows His children. Coming out and being separate is a process. God will see you through.
Question #4: What if the church I attend has Harvest or Fall Fest, is it okay to attend?
Answer: No. It isn’t okay to attend. God says to come apart and be separate and touch not the unclean thing so that He may receive us in 2 Corinthians 6:17. Actually, it isn’t ok to be a part of a church that has a fall festival. If you research the meaning of Halloween on our website, you will see that you can’t change the name of the witchcraft new year celebration of Samhain to Fall Festival and have it please God. The Roman Catholic Church couldn’t beat the pagans so they joined them, adapting all of their pagan holidays and merging them with the church in 43 AD. Samhain became All Hallows Eve/All Saints Day and Yule became Christmas. Please pray about leaving your church. Just being a member of your church, giving money to them, and being in agreement and fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness is enough to bring the curses of witchcraft destruction crashing down around you. Witchcraft destruction looks like appliances and vehicles that are always in repair, never being able to get ahead financially, lots of sickness with kids and family members as well as nightmares, sleep paralysis, and more! We understand how difficult it can be to leave your church family as God called us out as well. The question to ask yourself is why am I okay with being a member of a church that celebrates Satan?
Check out this video of a church festival hearing the truth: Watch Video
Question #5: What if my work has an office costume party and I don’t want to dress up in costume. Will they think I’m strange if I don’t?
Answer: Yes. People will think you’re strange if you don’t dress up, especially if you have dressed up in prior years. This is the beauty of God’s design. By not dressing up, you’ll be making a statement for God. If they ask you why you aren’t dressing up you could say something simple like I am going as myself this year. Or say, I am made in the image of Jesus Christ. This is my costume.
Question#6: What if my kids just want to give out candy but not go trick or treating?
Answer: God doesn’t want us to compromise or do things halfway. There is no gray area or middle ground with God. You either do or you don’t. Handing out candy is still participating in Halloween. Teach your kids that witches and Satanists curse the candy and therefore you refuse to be a party of passing along those curses to the unsuspecting neighborhood children.
Question #7: What are some other activities that my family and I can do on Halloween?
Answer: Go out to eat or have game night at your house. Use this night to bond with your children and spouse. There is no need to be in the world on this night because the movies are defiled with horror themes, which have demonic assignments attached. The churches are trying to peddle their own brand of poison holding Fall Festivals which just bring the curses of Halloween into the church. Use this night to bond with your family and be separate from the world and everybody in it. Be pleasing to God.
Question #8: What is the big deal anyway? It's just for fun, I've celebrated for years and nothing bad has happened.
Answer: Really? All of your prayers have been answered and you’re perfectly healthy, delivered and joyful? That’s great; however, it’s not true. Stop deceiving yourself. If you want to accept the Devil’s blessings then that’s up to you, but sooner or later, he ups the ante. The devil always trades up. You’ll grow more and more deceived. Wide is the path to destruction. Matthew 7:13-14.
Question #9: Is it okay to go to pumpkin patches or carve pumpkins?
Answer: This depends. While God made the seasons and the pumpkins, it depends where you go and what’s the purpose of getting the pumpkin. Most pumpkin patches have symbols of death and curses in them for decoration like witches and skeletons. Personally, I don’t shop for my food besides these symbols of death. While I like pumpkin pie very much, pumpkins are mainly calling cards this time of year. Especially if you carve them.
Question #10: Is okay to have fall decorations in my home?
Answer: Fall decorations yes. Halloween decorations, no. God made the seasons and fall is one of my favs. I love pinecones and acorns, yellow and orange leaves and hot cider. Those are all indicative of fall, which represents God’s harvest prior to winter. Unfortunately, it’s also symbolic to pagans, which celebrate the first holiday of their year, Samhain, which prepares them for the scarcity of winter. Our God is a God of abundance. Theirs a god of scarcity. If you hang jack-o-lanterns, skeletons, or even friendly faced skeletons, witches, bats and brooms, you are still guilty of being like the witches, which are an abomination unto our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Exodus 22:18 says suffer not a witch to live. Just in case you wanted to check God’s opinion about witches.
Want to learn more about the history of Halloween and its roots? Visit Biblical Connection
Check out our shows on Halloween
Rachel’s Testimony
This was me, thinking I was a cool mom. Mind you I have been saved since I was 8 years old, went to a Christian private school, and lived in a Christian home. I knew I loved Jesus but I didn't know what it meant to live a life that glorified and honored Him. I also didn't understand why I was so drawn to Halloween and dark things. No one asked why are Christians celebrating Halloween, watching horror movies, and going to haunted houses? Because of this, I lived a young life tormented by demons.
About four years ago I finally listened to the Holy Spirit. And I allowed God to open my eyes. I then realized this is not what the daughter of God participates in. How had I allowed myself to become so blind and disobedient to His truth and commandments? How had I encouraged this in my own children and home? How did I allow myself to spend so much money on costumes and decorations glorifying death, torture, and wickedness?
The truth is I was drawn to Halloween because of generational curses that were rooted in me before I was even born. And I was now passing those curses onto my own children. What my ancestors practiced led me to the deception and the life of rebellion I lived in for many years. But when I decided I didn't want to live a life serving the enemy and compromising my children and future generations - the Lord showed me through deliverance how to be set free from witchcraft. And I will continue to share and expose the enemy and to help others become free through Jesus Christ.
Has God been convicting you about Halloween? Do you want to be free of the curses? Message or email me, I'll be honored to pray with you.
Rachel Mijares
Co-Founder, Moms of Miracles