March 2023 Newsletter
Welcome to Moms of Miracles!
If you’re new or even if you’ve been around a few years, we are glad God sent you!
This is our first newsletter. God has asked us (all His children) to come apart and be ye separate and touch not the unclean thing so He can receive us. In obedience, we left Facebook and Instagram last month and are feeling led to communicate through a newsletter for this season.
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, And touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And I will be a Father unto you, And ye shall be my sons and daughters. - 2 Corinthians 6:17
This newsletter is made up of articles and information that was sourced by you! You emailed us to inform us of all that is going on in the world! One person isn’t enough to keep up with everything. It takes all of us, so please email us at with your videos, articles and other news. We will compile them into one resource for all of us to pray about monthly.
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. - John 8:32
Get Ready for Your
Carbon-Tracking Credit Card
There’s a new credit card in town and this one not only will monitor the carbon footprint of everything you buy but will shut off your credit line when it’s determined you’ve reached your limit on the amount of carbon you’re allowed to impart on the world. Lest you think it will only apply to your frivolous use of a gas stove or purchase of a gas-powered vehicle, be aware: Every bite of food you consume will count toward your….
10 Ways to Bind and Loose Over
Implementation of the CBDC
Central bank digital currencies, or CBDCs, are government-backed digital currencies issued by a central bank. They’re being rapidly rolled out to bring about a new economic transaction system that could lead to a new form of modern-day slavery.
Don’t know what binding and loosing is? Check out our tutorial here.
Dangers of Exposing Kids to EMF
Through Electronics
As you probably know by now, EMF is a type of energy that is emitted by electronic devices, such as cell phones, laptops, and Wi-Fi routers, and it has been linked to a variety of health problems.
The big cell phone and tech hardware companies don't want you to know this but, there are several potential dangers that have been identified.
Ishtar just went up on an NYC courthouse:
Inside Madison Square Park sits "Witness," a monumental female figure measuring 18 feet tall and wearing a hoop skirt inspired by the courtroom’s stained-glass ceiling dome. The figure's twisted arms and legs suggest tree roots, referencing what the artist has described as the "self-rootedness of the female form; it can carry its roots wherever it goes." You can even use your smartphone to bring the figure to life through AR technology.
The artist named it Havah, which is Hebrew for breath, life, being alive; however, it stands for abortion, which is death! Woe to this artist who seeks to call what is good evil and what is evil, good!
Rose Red Homestead: Rice Types and Storage
We review various types of rice by size and type and discuss the best types to set aside for long and short term storage. We also identify types to avoid for long term storage. We also discuss how to store rice for long term and for short term in your pantry.
American Blackout
What if the Doomsday Preppers were right all along? Hacking into urban infrastructures isn't science fiction anymore - it's in the news every day. A 90-minute docu-drama, "American Blackout" reveals in gritty detail the impact of what happens when a cyber attack on the United States takes down the power grid. The question is: when the lights go out, what do we do next.
It's available to stream from National Geographic channel on Disney+ as well as the following link on Vimeo.
Always be led by the Holy Spirit when you are praying. Pray in tongues as often as possible. Here is a sample of what we have been binding and loosing over lately. A good 15 minutes of warfare prayer from your home does more damage to the kingdom of darkness than you can possibly know!
We only pray in Jesus Name and we bind and loose in Jesus Name.
Bind and Loose:
Bind the Oppressors, those who oppress people.
Bind them in yourself, your extended family, your neighborhood, community, city, county, state, all over America and the wicked world rulers.
Bind the principalities, powers, dominions, thrones and spiritual wickedness in high places over world rulers, agendas, secret societies, rollouts etc.
Loose judgment on same levels; neighborhood, local, city, county, state and country, wicked world rulers.
Bind war and the benefits of war.
Loose civil war into the enemy’s camps along with suspicion, distrust and paranoia. Loose confusion and infighting so they can’t decide who to follow
Loose spoilers into their camps.
Cut off all supply chains, drain their funds and all resources
Loose angels to Smash the BRIC nations.
Loose disunity into them that they break apart.
Loose strength to dollar and cash use all over the world.
Bind central bank digital currency plan- due in July, 2023
Loose hackers and viruses
Loose failure to get online
Bind masons local, city, county, state, country, world –their societies
Loose God’s Judgment at all levels.
Loose God’s wrath and judgment on the Jewish roots movement, the modern prophetic movement (which is Kundalini), all false movements within the church and all false teachers and prophets.
Presidency – bind all wickedness and loose fair elections
Loose judgment to every wicked leader within government and ask God to pluck them out.
Bind one world agenda:
Bind the one world government, religion, currency, military, agenda, green gospel
Bind the false tribulation – what the illuminati are trying to push and fake.
Bind Great reset – WEF, King Charles and every aspect of world governance through climate change, new laws
Bind – all the ways of killing us: poison, pestilence, famine, war - sword
Loose opposite effect of what the wicked scheme is designed to do.
Loose death on those who made and profited from jab
Loose judgment on all supporters; correction if they are God’s people
Loose non-compliance among the people; the will to resist all over the world.
Loose exposure into their secret and dirty deals
Loose deprogramming to all MK Ultra victims; bind and break hypnosis and mind control. Ask God to raise and equip His people to receive these people coming out of such programming; pray deliverance for them.
Pray for those in leadership over myself, my family at city, county, state, national levels. Include those in spiritual authority over you as well.
Don’t forget to pray for our Christian brothers and sisters who are and have been persecuted all over the world for their faith and our members in other countries who do not share the freedoms we have in America at this time…even though they are slowing being removed.
I got so much deliverance after the Barbie show,,,, I realized I have hated myself my entire life and hating myself is hating what God made! What God calls ugly, an abomination, I have called beautiful. I have loved these so-called beautiful things of the world- people, dresses, “stars” I have sought after them. Pursued them. Coveted them. I have hated myself; how God created me. What God created -me- and I have lusted after changing that creation and forging it into what the world loves. The world did not create me. The world hates me because I am His. And I chose their side. I chose to side with the ones who hate me….and join forces with them…..and their hatred for me grew within me. It hated my hair, so I changed it to what the world loves.
The world hated my figure, so I changed it into what the world calls beautiful – or I tried. I starved myself in hatred. I stuffed myself in hatred. I tried to alter myself into the world’s shape of woman and thus created altars….where these things received worship. I pulled at my fat rolls. I sucked in my cheeks. I contoured my face. My body like a playdough – trying to recreate what God already created; wonderfully and fearfully made. But today is a new day and I choose to love me- and I choose to love every body part and function of me that has been bathed in hate. Today, I bathe you in love and acceptance. And I repent and tear down every altar erected against God within me in Jesus Name, Amen.
(Jacey’s personal testimony after the show)
Barbie: A look into the history, agenda and what the spirits behind the doll mean for your kids.
How to Make Your Children Mind Without Losing Yours
Join us for church at the Western Colorado Church of Deliverance for service every
Wednesday and Sunday with Pastor Monty Mulkey.
Sunday Morning Service 11 am (mst) | Sunday Evening Service 4 pm (mst) | Wednesday Night Service 6pm (mst)
Deliverance Workshop Registration
We invite you to join us for the WCCD Deliverance Workshop. The workshop begins Thursday evening May 4th at 6:30 PM and will continue through Sunday, May 7th. This is four days of deliverance, teaching, and a time of refreshing, renewal, and restoration. If you are unable to attend in person join us online on ZOOM. We recommend that you take the time off to dedicate and watch the workshop LIVE.
Lodging Options: Rachel’s comfy RVs are available to rent on her property at $175 per night, visit her website or email her for more information: or
Whole Food Nutrition for the Whole Family
Juice Plus+ allows you to enjoy the benefits of fruits and vegetables in a very simple way. Getting the recommended servings of vegetables and fruits every day can be a challenge. Juice Plus+ helps fill in the gaps with their vegetable, fruit, berry, and omega capsules, gummies, shakes, and bars. Plus kids eat FREE with parent enrollment!
Library of Resources
Like and Subscribe to the Moms of Miracles YouTube channel and check our community tab for upcoming shows. We aren’t sure how much longer we will be on YouTube. For now it’s a great hub for resources on how to battle and get deliverance of spirits of anxiety, depression, suicide and much more.
From Darkness to Life
Exposing the darkness of Christians celebrating Halloween
When people think of October, sweaters, pumpkins, and harmless fun usually come to mind. What many people don’t see is the intense battle raging in the spirit realm. Witchcraft and the occult become the primary focus for most families, whether they realize it or not. Unfortunately, despite the hot cider drinking and hayrack rides, there are dark events that happen every fall. We need to be aware of Satan’s agendas in order to not become a puppet in them. God is very serious about His believers not entangling themselves with the evil in this world. God’s Word tells us to pull ourselves away from the traditions of men, because there is no redeemable quality in participating.
Moms of Miracles’ focus is to strengthen people who are walking with Christ by equipping them to know God’s truth. We are a deliverance prayer ministry that functions under the spiritual covering of our church. Our mission is to teach those in authority over children how to pray for themselves and their families. It doesn’t matter if you’re a mom, dad, aunt or godparent, your prayers for the next generation are important! Learn how to live the life Jesus promised in His Word. Deliverance is the “forgotten” and “covered up” part of the gospel. Most people understand salvation and healing but they don’t want deliverance. Deliverance is where the miracle of transformation happens from glory to glory as God transforms us into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ!
It’s a journey, not an event! If you’re called to walk it out with us, we welcome you!
If you want to support MOMs we are affiliates of Juice Plus+ where kids eat free! We also sell Tower Gardens because we need to grow our own food. We sell LegalShield memberships for free legal advice in case of divorce, slander and wills and estate planning.
We thank you for your prayers too!
ABOUT MOMS OF MIRACLES: MOMs launched October 1, 2018 in obedience to God when He told us to start a prayer ministry. MOM stands for Moms of Miracles and we were commissioned to teach parents and those in spiritual authority over children to pray for them. That same month, God brought us our pastor - Pastor Monty Mulkey. Not knowing anything about deliverance we soon discovered we were chosen to know God’s Truth according to Luke 4:18. Jesus came for salvation, healing and deliverance.
In another act of obedience, we packed up our homes and families and moved to Montrose, CO to attend WCCD: Western Colorado Church of Deliverance under Pastor Monty Mulkey.