What we believe.
our mission
MOM = Moms of Miracles was birthed out of a desire to teach caregivers how to pray for children. There are all types of people caring for kids these days. Teachers, nurses, bus drivers, neighbors as well as traditional family roles like grandparents, single parents, families, aunts & uncles.
Our Heavenly Father told us to start this prayer ministry on Oct. 1, 2018. God named us Himself and called us MOM = Moms of Miracles. We teach you how to pray because without prayer, our children are vulnerable to the enemy’s tactics to lead them astray. If we continue to forsake the power of prayer, the devil will win more and more territory and we will continue to lose our children in this daily battle. Simply put, we are asking God to teach us and lead us in praying for our children so they can live out their God-given destinies!
Through prayer we can come to know our Heavenly Father and have a relationship with Him. He is FOR US! We have a hunger and a thirst for His Righteousness and want our children to walk in His Ways. We, as parents, need to rise up together in prayer so the next generation and the one after that can faithfully steward what God wants to do on the earth in this critical hour.
No matter what level of prayer partner you are, beginner to advanced, join us right here, on You Tube, TikTok or Facebook as we glorify God and pray through our God-given purpose!
Matt. 18:19
Again, I say to you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as concerning any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
we believe
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the image of the Father. We believe that Jesus came to earth, walked among men and died for every person’s sins, past, present and future. We believe that while Jesus’ body was in Joseph’s tomb, He went to Hades and took back the keys to death, hell and the grave. We believe that on the third day, Jesus rose again and we long to know Him and the Power of His Resurrection. We believe that Jesus is the only Way, Truth and the Life and no man gets to Him except through the Father. There are no different ways to God.
We believe that at Calvary, Jesus won back our authority and dominion that we lost in the Garden of Eden through sin. We believe that Jesus redeemed us through His Blood, restored us through His Sacrifice and we walk in His Power, His Dominion and His Authority. We believe when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, and ask Him to forgive us of our sins, there is a supernatural exchange that happens. We believe that exchange is His Wholeness, for our brokenness and His Righteousness for our unrighteousness.
We believe in the Godhead, Three-In-One, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe we are seated in Heavenly places at the Right Hand of the Father. We believe we have been washed by the Blood of the Lamb and we are joint heirs with Christ.
We believe that God, our Father, died for each of us before He laid the foundations of the World. We believe our Father wants a relationship with each of us and knows the heart of each man, woman and child. We believe the point of salvation is when the prodigal son or daughter is welcomed back home with a ring and a robe as we all come from the Father. We believe in telling the Truth in God’s Timing. We believe we are called to follow the ministry of what Jesus did while on the earth: get people saved, get them healed and get them delivered. We believe that children are a blessing and inheritance from the Lord. We believe that God breathed His breath of life into you if you are a living, breathing, human being, regardless of your belief in Him.
We believe that God gave us apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors and evangelists for the edifying of the saints. We believe that Jesus is the Deliverer. We believe that when you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior that He delivers you from the wages of sin, which is death. We believe that Christians can have demons and demonic generational strongholds that alter their moods, thinking and behavior. We believe that if you aren’t loving like Jesus does then you need prayer and a closer walk with God. We can help you get there. We believe that deliverance is the children’s bread spoken of in Mark 26. We believe that deliverance is the journey of transformation from glory to glory into the image of Jesus.
We believe that we are created in the Image of God and therefore have the power to create with our words, both positive and negative; however, unlike Word Faith, our faith is in Jesus Christ and His Will for our lives not the actual words that we speak.
We believe that all children are a gift and inheritance from the Lord and families reflect true ministry work. We choose to love people as Jesus loves them regardless of their opinions of us, our work or our beliefs. We believe we have a responsibility to pray for the next generation and the ones after that as God leads to fulfill His purpose, agenda and desires for His Glory.
We believe that Heaven is a real place where we will spend eternity with our Heavenly Father. We believe that Hell is a real place that God created for Satan and those angels who followed him in rebellion. We believe that if you refuse to acknowledge your Creator and in rebellion, you refuse to accept Jesus Christ as the Living Son of God, Who loves you, is able to forgive you and redeem you, then you, too, will spend eternity separated from your loving Father in the place called Hell.
We believe the Church is the Body of Jesus Christ, made up of all humanity, acknowledging and receiving Christ Jesus, and serving one another in love, meeting the needs of orphans and widows and being in one voice and one accord, unity.