How to bind and loose: the two keys to the Kingdom
You have been given two keys to the Kingdom, which both tie up and unlock things for us here on earth. Jesus calls these keys “bind and loose” yet very few know how to do this. In Matthew 16:19, Jesus says whatsoever you bind on earth is bound in heaven and what is loosed on earth is loosed in Heaven.
To “bind” is to tie up. When something is tied up, it’s ineffective. It doesn’t work properly. Powerless. There could even be delays or obstructions to the fulfilling of tasks and assignments being carried forth.
To “loose” something is to untie it. Free it. Send it forth to carry out its assignment, strategy or plan.
Anything can be bound or loosed. You can bind up words so they cannot be spoken or you can loose words so they can be spoken. You can bind and loose spirits. Bad spirits are called demons and good spirits are called angels. All spirits are created angelic beings and the angels that fell with Lucifer are now called demons.
You can bind up plots and plans against you, your family, your job, the world.
Is this starting to make sense? Hasn’t anyone ever explained the power and authority you have in Christ before?
If not, it’s ok. We didn’t know it either until God sent us a teacher because Satan keeps this level of instruction hidden from the church overall. That’s also ok because it doesn’t take a large amount of people to do some major damage to the devil’s kingdom. Just a select and chosen few.
Of the Christian camp who do understand how to bind and loose, they typically start in the Heavenlies and work their way down; however, all that will do is alert the principalities, powers, dominions and thrones to your personal vendetta of binding them and have them send retaliation and backlash your way in a hurry.
Think of it this way. Let’s suppose there are a dozen balloons and you have to “bind them altogether”. You would grab the closest one to you, then the next and so on until all are bound together in your hand.
There would be no escape for the balloons because you have them securely in your hand.
This principle works in the spirit realm as well. You bind your own demonic entities, within yourself, then your family, working your way out until you reach the Heavenlies.
Something like this:
In Jesus Name, I bind (tie up) the oppressing spirits within me, my family, my neighborhood, my community, our city, our county, our state, all over America and the wicked world rulers, both in the Heavenlies and on earth.
We loose (to send forth) the angelic kingdom of Heaven today against the kingdom of darkness to bind up (render ineffective) all principalities, dominions, wicked spirits in high places, thrones and powers in Jesus Name.
We loose the angels (God’s ministering spirits Hebrews 1:14) to cut off their supply chains, their paths and all resources. Strip them of their wealth. Expose their wickedness. We return all of their wicked plots, plans, devises and schemes back upon their own heads and generations. Let the wicked reap their wickedness upon their own heads.
We loose (send forth) spirits of truth onto the media and anyone with a platform. IN Jesus Name, we bind (tie) any lies to their tongue and forbid them from coming forth.
We loose angels to shine the Light of Jesus onto all darkness, exposing evil and burning unrighteousness.
In Jesus Name, we loose Your spirits, Lord, into us for our workday. We loose Your wisdom, counsel, revelation, might, peace, patience and joy into us today so that our work be pleasing unto You.
We loose favor and the fear of the Lord to go before us into our workplaces, schools, meeting places and gatherings today to go before us and prepare a place for us to Your Glory and Purpose today, Lord.
We bind up all retaliation, retribution, revenge and backlash against us, this community and our provision.
In Jesus Mighty Name we pray these things.