Resources You Can Trust
We all are called to ministry and when we said “Yes” to God on the call He had for the Mom’s of Miracles ministry He brought with it an abundance of resources that we can recommend to others. God has equipped these ministries with the a specific calling. We know you will be blessed.
Middle School, High School and Teen Moms
All Things Made New Mentoring Program is more than just a mentoring program for youth. ATMN is a valuable resource for families who seek direction, encouragement, community and support in their life to press towards their dreams by offering hope and counsel in finding and using their personal qualities to accomplish their purpose in life. The ultimate goal of All Things Made New is to motivate middle school, high school students and teen moms to be goal oriented with strong character as they grow into adulthood. Learn More
Spiritual Warfare Tatics That Work
Steve Hemphill is an author, teacher and speaker and has a call to equip God’s children with resources on Heaven, Prayer, Spiritual Warfare and so much more. Many families and individuals struggle daily with an enemy they can not see. We might think you’re fighting against a flesh-and-blood enemy, but we’re not. We are doing battle against evil forces who are not visible in this four-dimensional world (length, width, depth, and time). We are fighting an unseen, powerful enemy: evil spirits living in a dimension where they can see us and work against us, but we can’t yet see them. Learn More
Deliverance from Demons
Deliverance from demons is the children’s bread and God intended for His children to live free from spirits of fear, anger, addiction and so many more. Pastor Monty Mulkey and his wife Sharon Mulkey are outstanding teachers on deliverance. We highly recommend their booklets and audio cds. Pastor Mulkey has become a regular guest on the Moms of Miracles Facebook LIVE broadcasts and has blessed many with his knowledge about scriptures and his simple approach to deliverance. Learn More
Hitting Rock bottom
Founder, Rick Smith knows what it’s like to hit rock bottom. That’s why he started Rock Bottom Outreach. Rick also knows how it feels to appear to be on top of the world. He was a successful coach, winning two state championships, taught Sunday School, mentored youth, and was a church leader, missionary and staff member.
But what the world didn’t know was Rick was addicted to prescription drugs for ten years. The cost was great - his marriage, his career, and almost the lives of his children and himself.
That was Rick’s rock bottom. But it also became the starting point for his climb to a renewed relationship with God. Rick has been there – to the point where the only places left to go are out or up. Through Rock Bottom Outreach, he is helping those who have hit rock bottom find their way up. Learn More